sind die perfekte Ergänzung für dein Custom-Bike. Das schnörkellose Design orientiert sich am Vorbild einiger Kurbellegenden und passt damit hervorragend zu klassischen Stahl- oder Titanrahmen. Ganz egal, ob du auf der Straße oder im Wald unterwegs bist: die CYBER CRANKS verbinden klassische Attribute mit aktuellen Standards. Designed und handmade von Bike Enthusiasten.

Die CYBER CRANKS sind für den Einsatz im Gravelbike und XC-Bereich entwickelt und von einem unabhängigen Prüflabor über die Lebensdauer hinweg erfolgreich getestet worden. Die Kurbeln nicht für den Einsatz im DH oder BMX-Bereich geeignet und nur für Rider mit einem Gewicht von max. 110kg empfohlen.

Okay. Was gibt es hier zu sagen? Raw ist wirklich ohne alles. Aber mit allen Anlaufspuren. Für den Puristen und Materialfetischisten. Bitte beachtet, dass die Kurbeln nicht gegen Korrosion geschützt sind. Dieses Finish kommt standardmäßig mit einer Basis Hohlraumkonservierung.

Matt Nickel
Schon fast ein Klassiker: die chemisch erzeugte Nickeloberfläche sieht optisch einer Titanlegierung ähnlich und überzeugt durch eine gute Haltbarkeit. Die Nickeloberfläche wird hier in Thüringen in einem Tauchbad sehr exakt und auf allen Flächen aufgebracht. Damit sind sogar die inneren Flächen gegen Korrosion dauerhaft geschützt.

Diese dünne, außerst haltbare und edel anmutende Beschichtung kommt aus den USA und wird von unserem Partner 202 Coatings in wertvoller Handarbeit aufgetragen. Als Standardfarbe haben wir BLACKOUT gewählt - ein fast schwarzes Schwarz. Sonderfarben sind auf Wunsch auch möglich.
What spindle length is needed for ST cranks?This depends on the width of the rear triangle. Please measure the outside of the chainstays at the point of the pedals. Following the picture, for example, a 110mm wide rear triangle results in a 113mm spindle and approx. 3mm clearance between the cranks and the chainstays.
How can I make sure that the cranks fit my frame?Our ST (square taper) cranks are pretty versatile - they fit almost any frame, and you can choose the length of the axle to suit your needs. The OR (Off Road) and GR (Gravel) cranks are a match for 68mm and 73mm wide bottom bracket housings. You can pick between OR and GR based on the tire clearance and design of the frame. If your chainstays are wider than 112mm or you need a chainline of 52mm or wider, the OR is your best bet. Check out the dimensional drawings in the manual or in the store for more info.
Which finish is the most durable?Clearly, our NICKEL plating. The second-generation chemical nickel plating is applied in a bath on the outside and inside with a very homogeneous layer thickness of 30µm. They are therefore well protected against corrosion and scratches. Our CERAKOTE coating is only applied to the outside, which is why we recommend preserving the inside surfaces, e.g. with Fluid Film or similar. Our RAW cranks are not protected against corrosion either internally or externally. Surface rust will form over time. You can preserve the insides (e.g. with Fluid Film) and thus protect them from rust. The outside will develop a beautiful patina, which can be preserved with linseed oil, for example. For better prevention, we recommend removing the cranks every 6 months and re-preserving them if necessary.
Which bottom bracket do I need?You've got two bottom bracket options: Our ST cranks are made for bottom brackets with JIS square taper spindles. OR and GR cranks have a integrated 24mm spindle and are compatible with Hollow Tech 2 bottom brackets.
Can I also get custom lengths or custom finishes?Any crankarm length between 150mm and 200mm is possible. We can also arrange some custom finish options based on CERAKOTE or powder coating. Please send us a short message.
What is the difference between OR and GR cranks?Both cranks are designed for 24mm HT2 bottom brackets and use the same parts except for the spindle. The spindle of the OR crank is 12mm longer and has a little more wall thickness. Furthermore, the crank arms are angled 4° (GR=2.5°) which results in a wider chainline and a larger Q-factor. So perfect for off-road use.
What fork height do I need?Your frame has been built for a specific installation height. In order not to negatively influence the handling, you can measure the old fork (Axle To Crown) and specify this when purchasing. Please make sure that you have allowed for sufficient tire clearance. The formula is: Tire clearance = 0.5 x wheel diameter - ATC height - crown height crown height RIM Fork: 44.5mm crown height DSC fork: 46.5mm
What about fenders?The RIM fork has lateral M5 threads in the lower section for mounting fenders. With this fork, you can also use an M5 thread in the front area of the crown. For fenders or a front light. Fitting mudguards to the DSC fork is a little more complicated but possible in principle. Please contact us for more information.
Which head tubes are your forks designed for?It depends on the model. The crowns of the DSC and RIM forks are different. The somewhat more voluminous DSC crown fits perfectly on straight 44mm head tubes. The ZS44 version is best. For EC44 headsets, a 30/40mm adapter or a matching crown race is required. The sleeker crown of the RIM fork is optimized for classic straight head tubes or EC34 headsets. However, it can also be ordered with a 1” steerer tube on request.
Can I route my cable from the hub dynamo through the fork?Yes, this is not a problem as the fork legs are open at the bottom. You can drill a hole in the dropout ends. It is also okay to drill a hole inwards in the upper part of the blades. Then the cable runs completely invisibly into the crown. If this is too complicated for you, we will be happy to do the work for you.
Is it possible to have additional rack mounts?Yes, this is a custom solution. Each additional M5 thread costs €25 and is approved by you on the basis of a technical drawing. Additional M5 threads cannot be combined with the Aero Kit.